Sunday, March 04, 2007

Mat Skills

A few weeks ago I bought some ancient sheet music of Hail Purdue, and I want to frame it for my ridiculous Purdue room. But when it arrived, I could see that it was pulled from a book of school songs- so not only was it a weird size that I couldn't find a frame for, but Hail Purdue only covered a page and a half. The last half page is the Penn State Alma Mater. So, since there's no way I would hang a framed Penn State song in my house (not even in the bathroom) I needed to get a mat cut.

Now, my Dad has all sorts of mat-making supplies at his house, so it kills me to order them from Michael's, but that was sort of my only option. I placed my order, and a few days ago they called me to say that it was in (mat cutting is apparently so tricky it must be out sourced). It was to be 3 cuts: One whole page, one half page, and the remaining space would have a hole for a Purdue themed 3x5 to be named later.

So today during a hellacious errand session I stopped in to pick it up. They said "Name?" I replied "Marc Burgess." They handed me the mat wrapped up in some nice protective cardboard. Here's some foreshadowing for you: My brain yelled "Open it up and check it! Do it now!" But I thought, no, it looks like the right general size, it has my name on it, and I don't have the music with me to check it anyway. So away I went.

At home, I opened the package, aflutter with anticipation, and this is what was inside:

Suede.  Pink suede.
An 11x14 pink suede mat with a 1/2 inch square cutout in the center. Not exactly what I had in mind. Wondering how such a grandiose error could have happened, I re-examined the package. It clearly said "Customer: Marv Burgess." Ah hah. So the answer is that this is some one else's mat. I guess it was an honest enough mistake, being that the name is only one letter off, but this raises a bigger question: What exactly is Marv framing? A postage stamp? A bug on a pin like at the Smithsonian?

After a few minutes of cursing myself for not looking at it in the store, I set out to exchange it for the proper mat. Keep in mind that Michael's is on the other end of town, and it's a solid 20 minute drive. But it's Sunday, and I'd already worked out and went to Target. What else was I going to do?

I get back to the mat counter and wait for service. Here's a tangent: there's no bell or anything, so you just have to stand there at the counter until someone in the back framing area notices you. I guess you could clear your throat loudly or say "Hey" or something, but then you seem like an impatient jerk. When they happen to notice you in passing, you're always greeted the same way "Do you need something?" I say "Yes, I have a problem with a mat" when what I want to say is "No, I just like standing at a counter in the back of a crafts store." Anyway, back on track.

So the same girl that gave me the mat this morning comes out and asks what I need. I say "I picked this up this morning, but I think it's someone else's order." She asks "Did you look at it?" I say "Yes, and it has a different name and order number on the package." So opens it up and thoughtfully examines it, and asks "So what's wrong with it?" "Pretty much everything, from my perspective- It's the wrong size, wrong material and color, and the wrong cut. It is in fact someone else's mat that I was given by mistake" I replied, foolishly thinking I had made a bullet-proof argument. She thinks for a second too long and asks " need a new cut in it?" This is one of many exchanges in Southern Maryland that make me wonder, am I speaking English? I mean, I can understand what she's saying. I said "No, this is the wrong mat order. I'd like you to take this and see if you have the mat I ordered in the back room. I'm not entirely sure what this mat could be used for." She once again looks it over and says in a slow manner "I...need to...ask someone a question" and flees to the back room. In a few minutes she returns to inform me of the only way this story could end- Marv has my mat. They need to call him and see if they can get mine back, or just order me a new one. They'll call me when they have it in. On the plus side, she did find out that Marv is making a clock with this, so that's one mystery down.

That was the worst part of horrible errand day, but the weekend still gets an A+. Erica came down on Friday, and I showed her season 1 of The Office, and she agreed that it was a fantastic show. That makes 2 television programs that we both watch, effectively doubling pop culture references I can make. We had dinner at a local Italian place and it was good times all around. Saturday I went with friends to a free sneak preview of 300, and to quote my buddy Liam, "It rocked so hard I almost had to cut my own head off." All in all, good times. And next time I'm checking the mat before I leave the store.



At 8:25 AM, March 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was walking out of walmart the other day and a lady asked me if I wanted to buy a balloon for 2$ to stop child abuse. I was this close |-| to saying,"What are going to do, tape balloons to all the kids like an air bag?"

Is penn state even purdue's rival? Does purdue even have rivals? You need an old 1900's band photo now.

My prediction before I finished reading is that it was your hand writing that made the C look like a V...


At 11:01 AM, March 05, 2007, Blogger Kate said...

SMIBs make me mad. Very mad. It always seems like it's "something" at the Michael's anyway. They screw up pretty much everything they touch. I'm sure you were quite surprised when you opened that thing!!

Another Purdue song for that bathroom-I still want to make you that fake windown. I think it would be sweet!

I'm glad that Erica likes the Office. I hope she realizes that tv is the way to your heart!

At 11:43 AM, March 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not just Southern Maryland. I was running about town myself on Sunday afternoon, and one of the stops I made was at Staples. I needed a new ink cartridge for my printer as I was printing out the programs for the wedding (this Saturday, yay). So I, being a smart girl, look at my printer before I leave and see that it is a 970Cse and store this information away so I will know what cartridge to buy when I get to Staples. So, I walk into Staples and start standing in front of the ink wall, looking for the box that says 970Cse when a nice young man in a red staple polo shirt comes up to me…

Him “Can I help you?”
Me “Yes, I am looking for a new color ink cartridge for my printer.”
Him “What kind does it take?”
Me “I’m not sure, but the printer is a HP 970Cse.”
Him “But you don’t know what kind it needs?”
Me “No”
Him “Okay, I will look it up for you”
Me “Thanks”
Him “So what kind of printer is it?”
Me “HP”
Him “No, what kind of printer is it?”
Me “Hewlett Packard”
Him “No, I mean what kind of printer is it?”
Me “It’s the 970C series.”
Him, with increasing frustration in his voice, “Yes, but what kind of printer is it.”
Me “It’s my little desk top printer”
Him, now looking at me like I am a total moron, “I need to know what kind of printer you have.”
Me “I guess I don’t know the answer to your question.”
Him “I need to know what kind of printer you have. Like, what does it do?”
Me “It prints.” At this point, my goodwill has come to an end.
Him “What does it print?”
Me “So far, everything I have asked it to.”
Him “Most people know what kind of printer they bought. What do you want me to do, look though every printer HP ever made?”
Me “I didn’t buy it.”
Me now looking over his shoulder at the computer screen, pointing “That says 970C, do you think that could be it?”
Him “So you have a Deskjet”
Me “I guess so”
Him “You need a 78. You might want to remember that for next time.”
Me “Yeah….thanks.”

And I know that this was a long comment to post, but trust me, it felt much longer in person. If the guy could have given me a break for 2 seconds and just looked at the computer screen, and answer was right there! How many times must you ask the same exact question and get wrong answers before you realize that perhaps I don’t know what you’re asking. And there is no way I am the dumbest person shopping at Staples. I, in fact, had all the information needed to answer the question. He must just have an algorithm for how he finds it and can’t look for information any other way. And I, apparently, am the dumb one.

At 4:48 PM, March 05, 2007, Blogger Marc said...

Oh my God Carly, I can totally relate. It's like that every time I dial up Bangalore to get Dell tech support. I automatically give them more information than they need, but they still ask a bunch of ridiculous, unnecessary questions because they can only start at the beginning of their flowchart. They don't actually "know" anything.

I'm glad you didn't take any of his attitude!


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