Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Good God

I've had a few discussions about those God ads on billboards along the highway. You know what I'm talking about- these things:
Yeah- don't care for 'em. It's not that I disagree with the sentiment, it's just that I have a hard time with some ad exec hired by a church who writes a little quip and signs it "God." Like, "What I wrote is so brilliant and pure that I can claim it came from God himself and no one will question it." If they were directly from the bible, that would be one thing. But there's all the ones that are like "Keep using my name in vain and I'll make rush hour longer" which I'm pretty sure isn't a quote from scripture.

And then, if we step away from merely annoying, there's the one that makes my blood boil: "Big bang theory- you've got to be kidding." As if God can simply not believe that people would be so stupid as to attain an understanding of geology and astrophysics, do years of exhaustive research, and formulate a plausible theory for the creation of the universe that's a little more in-depth than "God made it." What really grinds my gears is that some chump sat down to think up a catchy billboard, and thought "You don't believe what I believe, so I think you're stupid, and since I know I'm right, therefore God thinks you're stupid, so I'm going to put up a billboard mocking what you believe and sign it 'God.'" Who does that? Again, I'm not down on religion- it's the way some people interpret/express it that gets to me. Especially when they think being a true believer of one theory means you have to be intolerant of all others. I've touched on this before.

In any case, this tirade was brought to you by the new Victory Family Church billboard:
I Hate Victory Famiy Church -Satan That's right, they kicked it up a notch. They aren't just writing on behalf of God, they're apparently certified to speak for Satan as well. They're thinking "We are sooo good, Satan must hate us. Let's get the word out there." Really? Do you even think you're on his radar? You can tell they really got into the devil's mindset, they way they capitalized "hate," didn't use punctuation and signed his name in telltale red. Give me a break! You can see the whole article about it here- be sure to vote! I just don't understand this thought process: "If we say Satan hates us, people will like us!" It's the old "An enemy of my enemy is my friend" theorem, which is usually met with shaky results. I would much rather see something about what makes this particular church good, but that's just me.

To summarize- Religion: Good. God Billboards: Lame. Satan Billboards: Really lame.


At 10:36 PM, June 29, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I totally agree! Seriously, I hate the God billboards, and I am sitting here, in the middle of the hospital, getting all worked up how I didn't think I could think of anything dumber than coming up with lame quips and acting like the they came straight from God, but no, lame not even quippy statements signed with flame red Satan, even dumber.

I hate dumb bill boards.


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