Thursday, June 14, 2007

Company Picnic/$5 Afternoon Off

This year's company picnic was the opposite of last year, at least weather-wise. Whereas last year it was 100 degrees and sunny, this year was cloudy, windy and right about 60 degrees. I should've seen that coming when I was getting dressed this morning and thought "Oh! Picnic day! Better wear shorts and a t-shirt!" Or perhaps I could've checked the weather before getting dressed. Whatever. Hindsight.

No one was really playing games this year, because half of the attendees stayed inside the "Beach house" (which is just kind of a shack with a kitchen) and those of us out on the pavilion were just kind of chilly. Of My Spidy-sense is tinglingcourse, that didn't stop me from raiding the ice cream cart for an awesome Spiderman popsicle (his eyes are gumballs, in addition to being creepy). It was a sherberty thing, and was fat-free, which is good considering the hamburger, hot dogs, cookies and cake I ate. On my return trip to the cart I fully intended to get one of the delicious eclair bars or something, but went with the new Shots. Meh. They're no Spiderman pop. I guess they're Popsicle's answer to dippin' dots- why copy something nobody likes anyway?

I once again stayed for the raffle, and am happy to report that I once again received a 500% return on my investment by winning a $25 Target gift card. A-boo, a-yah.

After the picnic I headed to the drill hall, which was pretty vacant (considering it was like 3:30). I grabbed an elliptical runner that was between two of the TVs with no one else near it. I tuned the closer TV to the History Channel (my drill hall standby) and immediately became engrossed in a show about counterfeiting money. By the way, did you know that at any given time, 2/3 of all US currency is outside of the US? Crazy. Anyway, I get my learn and my sweat on.

About 10 minutes in, a kid (about 11 or 12) comes by pushing an older woman in a wheelchair. He helps her onto an exercise bike, and goes to change the channel on my TV- he pauses, looks at me and asks "Are you watching this?" What am I gonna say? I told him "Sort of, but you can go ahead and change it." He starts flipping the channels until he finds what he was looking for, and turns it toward the woman on the bike. Can you guess what he chose? The Weather Channel! Who works out to the Weather Channel?

But never fear, I just went down to the further TV on the other side of me, and tuned in my show. Also, did you know that Australia's money is printed on plastic, so it can have clear sections? A few minutes later, an old dude strolls by, stops at the TV, and not only changes the channel, but spins the TV 90 degrees so I can't even see it anymore! I was like "Hey...ah..." but he was wearing headphones, and that was clearly the TV for the section he was in. He must have figured I was enjoying the weather loop over on my side.

Since I wasn't, I walked over to the lady on the bike (the kid had left). We had this exchange:

Me: "Are you watching the Weather Channel here?"
Lady: "It's alright."
Me: "Do you mind if I change it?"
Lady: "It's alright."
Me: "...It's alright if I change it, or are you watching this?"
Lady: "No, it's alright."
Me: "...I'll just leave it."

So there I was, sweatin' to the weather channel. If I'd have done that this morning, I would have been better prepared for the picnic. Still though, way better than the average Thursday. If there was a new Earl or Office tonight, that would just seal the deal.

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