Tuesday, December 05, 2006

MyHeritage Revisited

A while back I did a post about the MyHeritage Celebrity Matcher. Well, much to my surprise, the site still exists! Now they have a spiffy new feature that gives you picture tailor-made for blogs or MySpace, so I thought I would play around with that a little. So far I came up with this:

It's pretty neato in general, but I think I hit the jackpot with that picture. Sure, my first match was that gumpy picture of Arnold Vosloo, better known as The Mummy, or as I like to remember him, the bad guy that Hillary Duff murders in cold blood in Agent Cody Banks (I saw it on the plane, okay?). But after that, it matched me with a bunch of pretty good looking cats. I mean, come on! Tom Cruise? Brad Pitt? Dean Cain? Stifler? Even a dapper young Clint Eastwood. This has to be the biggest computer error in my favor ever!

But while I was playing around with it I tried a few different pictures. I really don't have very many pictures of myself, so I tried the classic photo of me at the Lincoln monument. Look what it came up with then:

You got it- I look like Herman Melville while Honest Abe looks like Angelina Jolie. I guess I can see that they both have very hollow cheeks, and Angelina's skin tone could be likened to white Georgia Marble. But I guess that means Herman and I share a tintype-like lack of features except for our huge manly beards. I hope they refine this technology a little more before they start using it to screen people at the airport, because Winona's got enough problems as it is.

Edit: This used to be another MyHeritage collage that matched Osama Bin Laden with several Hollywood notables, including Winona Ryder. That's sort of key to the joke, but now it has disappeared. C'est la vie.


At 8:53 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Kate said...

That one guy looks like Joey Walker

At 4:26 PM, December 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so I went and put in my face and I got such results as Chirstie Brinkley, Kate Winslet, Jackie O, Katie Holmes (aka Kate Cruise), Lauren Graham (love the Gilmore Girls), Claire Forlani, and Nicole Kidman. All in all, these are some really beautiful woman, so I think this must be a feel good website. But my best match, however, with 68%, was Gillian Chung, which might finally explain why Daniel likes me so much. ;-)

At 8:30 PM, December 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now I put in Daniel's photo, and appearantly Kavya Madhavan, a little indian chic, is a 72% match for Daniel's face. He also got such lookers as Dr. Phil, Bing Crosby, Ryan Stiles, and Julia Styles. I guess I won't go around telling people I look like Kate Winslet any time soon. And it would have been so wonderful if it had pulled up Dan Futterman for Daniel....

At 10:26 PM, December 06, 2006, Blogger Kate said...

Carly isn't the only one who is "Asian". One gal got all asians and I think she looks pretty darned caucasian. Well, I guess the word asian is in there somewhere.

LOL on Daniel liking Ms. Chung.


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