Friday, December 01, 2006

Thanksgiving Pics

Tomorrow I start the shopping! It is starting to feel a lot like Christmas- I've got the lights up, I often have the XM set to the holiday station, and it was snowing so badly in Dallas that my flight home was cancelled and I had to wait an extra 4 hours for the next plane and de-icing. That's right- a full blown ice storm in Texas, then I land in Maryland where it's 70 degrees. Wonky.

In any case, I wanted to post a couple of my mom's pictures from Thanksgiving!

Turkey Time!Here's me with the delicious turkey. The whole meal was a team effort, but I'm still pretty proud of how this guy turned out.

This doesn't really have anything to do with the holidays, but I wanted to post it anyway. The day after Thanksgiving we stopped at the Base's aircraft museum, so here's Daniel and I with an old Sikorsky H-53A Sea Stallion. We both work on the new H-53K- Daniel from the contractor side, me with the government. We work on totally different areas, but hopefully I'll get sent up there someday and I can make a visit out of it.

There's not much else to tell right now, except that my knee is really bugging me. The day after Thanksgiving was supposed to be my triumphant return to running, because that was like 4 weeks after the marathon and I figured it would be mostly better. I don't know if it's the endorphins or the general fitness or what, but I really miss the jogging! In any case, we made it about 1 mile before I had to pack it in because of the knee. Then it hurt a little Saturday, not so much Sunday, and then from Monday on it's been a nightmare. I'm going to get it checked out pretty soon. I'm thinking Meniscus Tear, but I'm no doctor. I did diagnose Howard's mono, though (burn!).

So I haven't run in 4 whole weeks- and I've gained 10 pounds since the marathon! Isn't that ridiculous? Of course, maybe it's not such a bad thing. As Jamie put it, "You were starting to look like a meth addict." Don't worry though- I'm not going to be doing any sort of workouts until at least after Christmas. I realize the holidays are when you need excercise the most, but I can't think of any cardio excercises that don't involve the knee. I think I am going to step up the (upper body) weightlifting, so that'll be something.


At 2:42 PM, December 02, 2006, Blogger Kate said...

Hey, that's my carving knife in the background!!

Glad that you had a great Thanksgiving.


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