Friday, December 21, 2007

More Shopping

Favorite moment of Christmas shopping today- a guy was standing there on his cell phone trying to determine which version of Nintendogs to buy. Apparently his daughter wanted the Dalmatian version, but they didn't have it. So, he was in a very animated discussion about which one to buy, and he says "Well, they have the Dachshund one." The key here is that he pronounced it "datch-shunned" which I guess is an easy enough mistake to make. But then he went ahead and followed it up with "Screw it, I'll just get her the Chihuahua one" pronouncing it "chi-hoo-ah-hoo-ah." Five full syllables. I'm not saying that we all need to watch the AKC dog show, but come on- these are common words. Have you ever heard of a dog called a chi-hoo-ah-hoo-ah? Maybe you had to be there. It sounded ridiculous.
Does 'boxer' mean it comes with a little pugilist?Also, I just noticed that the cover of the Dalmatian game lists the other dogs you can get, including "German Shepherd Dog." Apparently people were confused and thought you could get a little German human dressed like a shepherd. I'm surprised "Boxer" doesn't get any such clarification.


At 6:16 PM, December 21, 2007, Blogger Kate said...

I actually laughed out loud and spit on my monitor at the German Shepherd Dog...not to be confused with an actual hearder of sheep from Deutchland.


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