Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Oval Stickers Have Jumped the Shark

Seriously- the oval stickers were kind of cool when they first came over from Europe, where they actually served a purpose. In college I remember seeing car that had the "D" or "IRL" or some other genuine oval sticker on them. But now, it's just overdone. I was annoyed when people started putting the oval sticker on their cars with the Purdue logo "P" in the middle, because that doesn't even look like a euro sticker. What's the point? What are you saying to the world? I root for Purdue, but I want to kill two birds with one stone and superficially cash in on a trend?

OBnoXiousThis brings us to my main point- Southern Maryland (and I guess much of the mid-Atlantic region) is just lousy with these damn "OBX" stickers. This purports to be an abbreviation for the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I've never been there, but I hear it's nice if you like that kind of thing. If you go to this site, you can get the oval OBX logo on a bunch of different stuff, including a square flag. So we have a square flag with the oval OBX logo- what are we supporting? The oval OBX sticker? If you want to let people know which vacation destination you favor why don't you just have the OBX logo? Or even better, write out "Outer Banks, NC?" Because (and here's my main problem):
OBX is not an abbreviation for Outer Banks!
There isn't even an "x" in it! This sort of thing really annoys me, like when they start putting the letter x in front of acronyms and saying it stood for "Extreme," which obviously starts with "E!" God I hate people. It's much more accurate if you think the sticker stands for "obnoxious" (which does have an o, a b and an x) because their usually stuck to giant SUVs full of people who really want you to know they like to vacation at a particular beach.

LAXWhile we're on the topic, I've been seeing a lot of "LAX" stickers on cars as well. I figured they either really liked the Los Angeles Airport (I have been there, and it's alright) or they were telling us their favorite vacation spot to combat the OBX zombies. But no, look closer: the LAX stand for Lacrosse! I have news for you- no it doesn't! There's no x in lacrosse! If we get to the heart of it, there's no x in the airport either, but a lot of airport codes are messed up. Washington Dulles is IAD, and poor Sioux City is SUX. But at least the LA airport has been LAX forever. But what about the Outer Banks? I thing they did a two step by shortening it to "Outer Banx" (which is lame) then shortened it to OBX. So apparently x is an abbreviation of "nks." Where does this leave lacrosse? Are they saying that an x equal "cross?" At least sometimes they try to clear it up.

I'll end this post here, but this isn't over. As a parting note, I'm going to have to tell Destin, Florida that "D" is already taken. By Germany. As in the original, actual Euro stickers. Get a life people!


At 9:04 PM, April 07, 2006, Blogger Kate said...

Ahh, you've managed to get like 6 months of angry car conversations into a few short paragraphs. Bravo my dear, bravo.


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