Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hollywood, MD

Washington D.C.'s CBS affiliate did a piece for Oscar night about "The Other Hollywood," referring to Hollywood, MD which is just a few miles up the road from us. I definitely recommend watching the video feature. Honestly, I wish I could tell you that this was inaccurate, but that just wouldn't be true.

Update: Kate informed me that she has visited Toot's Bar- it was part of the "Southern Maryland Bachelorette Party" they threw for one of her friends in which they went to all the smib-iest bars they could think of. Apparently the staff of Toot's made it quite clear that since they were not locals, they were not welcome there. Not to the point of kicking them out, but they waited quite some time for their drinks while patrons with less teeth and 80's hair were served immediately.


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