Annoying Commercials
I think by now we've established that I love it when I write about something, and then later a "real" news outlet does a story about the same thing. Well, here's the latest:
Today The Slate (hence I say "real"...and for that matter, "news") is running a column about the worst commercials on TV. They detail that awful The Ladders commercial that I complained about back in April, and they have pretty much the same take- basically that the original version was patently offensive.
Not only that, but they also talk about another commercial that I hated enough to complain to my friends, but not enough to post about. It's the Century 21 ad where a mean, bully of a wife badgers her husband into buying a new house- complete with cutting him off with "What!?!" and throwing him a head fake when he tries to express himself- until she basically breaks his spirit. The first time I saw that I thought "Wow, what an awful commercial," and it turns out I wasn't alone. It didn't make me want to hire an agent, it just made me feel bad for the guy. I guess the best part is he turned out to be right in the long run.
Okay, that's all. Have a great weekend!
Labels: annoying, television
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