Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mother of the Year

Take a look at this picture I snapped on the Metro last weekend. And don't worry, I was super sneaky when I took it.Starting the technology addiction and the hearing loss youngSeems cute, right? A mother on the train sharing her iPod with her toddler son? Well, let me augment the picture for you with some details from the real-life experience: The music was

a) Absolutely blasting. I couldn't make out all the lyrics, but it was definitely

b) Rap. The repetitive bass and cymbal let me know that she was not listening to The Wiggles with her son. At one point we positively identified Party Like a Rock Star, and something tells me that it wasn't the edited version.

Am I the only one who finds this incredibly wrong? Shouldn't everybody know that blasting music into your toddler's ears could cause permanent damage? Plus, at one point she took his earphone out, upon which he immediately launched into a tantrum, yelling and kicking and grabbing for it until she put it back in his ear. It was bizarre, but at least he enjoys it.

Also, notice that she has her cell phone stuffed in her bra. I guess when your ears are bleeding from the sound overload you want to make sure you can feel the vibrating ringer!

Totally unrelated: I walked into my kitchen last night, and I got that feeling on my face like I had just run into a spider web. I looked up and there was, in fact, a big spider web running right down the middle of my kitchen. We're talking about an 8x12-ish room, and it was running the long way. It was pretty impressive, but is there really enough bug traffic in my kitchen to warrant a web right there?

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At 10:22 AM, June 06, 2008, Blogger Ramya said...

maybe she thinks that her parenting techniques will help her son become a famous rapper. The kid did seem to be bopping his head to the loud LOUD beat of the music. I'm thinking it was the vibrations from his ear drums causing his head to bounce up and down... but you never know...

At 9:33 AM, June 10, 2008, Blogger Vidya said...

This is quality parenting. I only hope that one day I can be that great of a mom.


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