Thursday, October 06, 2005

Something for Everyone

Check out this shirt. Kate showed me a new website to get Purdue schwag, so I've been checking out the goods. I'm sure they sell these shirts for every college- you know, with the school name and various majors printed underneath? I myself have 3. Mechanical Engineering, Psychology (my minor, Kate's major), and Band. That's right, Band. And I wore it proudly. But I've never seen the "Undecided" variant.

Don't rush me!

I've been thinking about it, and I can't decide who would buy this shirt. Someone who wants people to know they go to Purdue, but can't decide on a major? Why wouldn't they just buy one of the million Purdue shirts that don't list a specific school? Do they want to make sure people don't think they're an engineer or turf-green management major?

On the plus side, this new store has a lot of cool stuff. Purdue items are pretty hard to come by in Maryland. Actually, we're going back to Lafayette for homecoming Oct. 14th. I think it's going to be equally important to go to the game (against my sister's alma mater Northwestern) as it will be to fill the car with Purdue goods we can't get here. I have my eye on a bath rug set for our newly-renovated Purdue-themed bathroom. Maybe I'll post some pictures of that disaster on here.


At 10:07 AM, October 07, 2005, Blogger Kate said...

I'm really looking forward to our trip! I can't wait to fill the car with skyline chili (and gas)! That is going to be our special treat when we get home-we deserve it, we've both been so good with our eating and exercise.
As for the undecided shirt, I think it is probably more of a joke. I remember on campus the people that wore the "purdue grandma" shirts and whatnot to class-they were teenage boys so I think it wasn't true :-)
I really look forward to our trip. We'll take lots of pictures and I promise to clap and yell my head off when the Alumni Band storms the field


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