Tuesday, January 23, 2007

And the Envelope Please...

So the Oscar nominations are out. Do I have and opinion? Not really. Why, you ask? Well, because out of all the nominees in every category, I have seen 3: The Departed, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and Superman Returns. I know, I know. This is a disgrace for someone who considers themself to be a movie buff.

I really liked The Departed, and I would give it my vote for best picture, even though I'm not really qualified (having not seen the others). I will say that I find it odd that Marky Mark was nominated for best supporting actor when he was in approximately 3 minutes of the movie- that's like Sean Connery being nominated for Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. It wasn't a terribly important part, and he wasn't even that good. Of course, I can't compare with the other nominees because I haven't seen them either. I have the same problem with the Art Direction.

The only category that I can make an informed decision on is Visual Effects, and I'm going Pirates all the way.

Oh wait, I've seen Cars, too. The animated category is pretty thin this year.

On a side note, Leo was nominated for Blood Diamond. I never saw the film, but in the previews his fake accent was so bad I couldn't really tell what he was trying to sound like. Sort of like JFK, where we learned that Kevin Costner can't do a Louisiana accent and cry at the same time. He drawls through the whole movie, then when he mists up, the accent is gone entirely. Am I the only one who noticed? Or X-Men, when Halle Berry had an abysmal accent, and then by X-Men 2 it was like it never happened! Okay, enough ranting.


At 9:49 AM, January 24, 2007, Blogger Kate said...

Too funny!

At 8:18 AM, January 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did see blood diamond. I thought it was really good. I think departed still gets my vote though. The accent he uses is not truely british. The character he plays was born in africa. Africa had many british colonys, but america was once a british controlled too. We dont speak like them. As for how accurrate it is reative to africa, I couldn't tell you. It is kind of cool to hear him talk to the poor and uneducated native fighters though. That dialog is all messed up.


deja vu wasnt to bad either. Thats the other movie I couldnt remember at IHOP.

At 8:19 AM, January 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin Costner, Halle Berry and Madonna must all share the same voice coach.

At 8:20 AM, January 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Jamie and I were having synchronized postings.


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