Alumni Band Pictures
A few days ago Daniel sent me some shots he took during our homecoming weekend. Since Kate and I are in North Carolina for the holidays (which we'll be tracking on our joint blog) I finally have a little time to put them up. Let me just say in my defense that I hadn't marched or worn tenors in 3 years, and these pictures were taken at the very end of the day, when I was half-dead. I swear that my technique was a lot better back in the day. Anyhow, you can see me and my giant friend Eric in the first shot. Then, Kate and are are maxin' and relaxin' by the Engineering Mall fountain (aka the beer can after the safety issues).
The last picture is great for a couple of reasons. First, I like the old guys who showed up at the last minute, because they didn't bother to learn any of the cadences, and while we were marching they just kind of marched along with their vintage snares on slings. Plus, check out the ZZ Top beard on the dude on the left. I guess that's another advantage of alumni band- you're not allowed to have any facial hair besides a mustache while you're in school. But it alumni band you can go all out. In a related issue, look how everyone in the picture is relaxing, looking around, taking it all in. Except me. I am dead serious. This could me a few things. Either:
A) Old habits die hard
B) I'm such a musician that I just snap back into the routine
C) I'm a huge tool
I think my record speaks for itself.